New Car Website Seeking WRITERS!
On this new site, we are looking for writers with motivation, passion about cars that borders on the insane, and professional degrees.
Writing and producing automotive news content is AWESOME.
But it is also a job in the traditional “exhausting” sense. A demanding one that takes skills, might cause chills, and …. eventually might even pay the bills.
Is it a “paying” job? Ummm….
For the time being, special contributors will be compensated only by the glory of seeing their car opinions and insights as published articles.
There is no budget to even pay myself (anything) just yet — but we are getting really close to achieving a critical mass of readership. About 30,000 unique visitors in March of this year is pretty good for a start-up, but needs to be 10x larger to be a revenue-positive corporation.
If cars/trucks/bikes/planes/trains are your life’s passion — Take the first step and write something. Those few paragraphs may being a lifelong passion play that is infinitely satisfying and intellectually stimulating.
“Let’s Go For A Drive”
I worked in ad sales before deciding to follow my car passion — so your writing talent will determine your destiny more than any hard requirements.
Work from home, your bed, your pajamas — as you wish! One article total? One article per day? Either sounds divine to me.
If you are a writer, artist, car-nut, traveler — we want to hear from you. Let’s publish your coolest photos, articles, and adventures!!!
Tom Burkart
Next Steps?
tom (at)
Send me a note expressing interest and a few articles you would like to write. There is no set format or hard rules to abide by. We will handle the formatting and publishing initially — but all with your name in the byline up top!
I promise: you will re-read your casually-written car stories over and over the first time they hit the web. It is very gratifying, and the best will definitely be the first paid employees of — even before yours truly.

Tom Burkart is the founder and managing editor of, an innovative and rapidly-expanding automotive news magazine.
He holds a Journalism JBA degree from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Tom currently resides in Charleston, South Carolina with his two amazing dogs, Drake and Tank.
Mr. Burkart is available for all questions and concerns by email Tom(at)