Is the Mustang order book open already for first deliveries in late 2014!? That thought passed through my head while already elbow-deep in PhotoShop this morning.
I usually only try to change the color of a car that is:
— out of production (like the McLaren F1)
— or not released in full detail yet (ie Lambo Huracan).
These next Huracan ones are the official colors options versus my photochop above.
Adding too many colors that are not factory options might make automakers care even less about our little website. It is good to tread a little lightly in that area.
After just one millisecond of Googling — yes the Official 2015 Mustang colors are out — and will be featured in an upcoming article that is distince from this one.
Why? Because we have 64 digitally-rendered 2015 #INAMUSTANG colors on our desktop! And we are itchy to set them free.
Some are better than others, admittedly. Notably absent in these renders are any silvers, black or white shades — which is outside my (somewhat) limited photo editing capabilities.

Regardless, feast your eyes on these babies. But do not stare too long, or you might go as mad as we are for wild color!
Yes, this is nearly the full Roy-G-BIV, 360-degree spectrum. This used about a five-click step-change per color.

Tom Burkart is the founder and managing editor of, an innovative and rapidly-expanding automotive news magazine.
He holds a Journalism JBA degree from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Tom currently resides in Charleston, South Carolina with his two amazing dogs, Drake and Tank.
Mr. Burkart is available for all questions and concerns by email Tom(at)