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Auto Industry Insider: 5 Cool Car Modification Tips for Beginners

Whether done as a hobby or a profession, the practice of modifying cars has been around for as long as cars themselves\. The market for modifying cars is huge, which gives us plenty of choice and room for creativity when upgrading our cars, but it can also be a confusing task for beginners. For those people, the best places to start are the simple modifications that will have the biggest impact. If you are considering making changes to your car either for performance and aesthetic reasons, here are 5 car modification tips for beginners to get you started. Swapping tires …

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Insider: 5 Ways to Improve Your Car

Your vehicle is an expensive investment so it’s likely that you want to keep it looking nice and working properly. Maybe you’re at a place in your life where you like and enjoy your vehicle but believe it could use a few upgrades. Instead of choosing to buy a whole new car you can consider making certain improvements to it that will make it more attractive. Know that you have to be willing to invest a little money and energy if you’re going to be able to turn these ideas into a reality for you. Once you’re finished with these …

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