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Fast Fashion

2014 Skoda Superb Outdoor and VisionC Concept for Geneva Causing Some Angular Euro Style Envy…

Skoda is becoming a real asset for the Volkswagen Group. Bought for a song as the Czech firm was failing in the 1980s — Skoda now commands a quite sizable market share in Europe’s most profitable markets. Skoda’s core selling points have really been popular among anti-fashion consumers. People who (claim to) value a vehicle for its merits, value and durability versus a fleeting style. Skoda is also a surprise, run-away success story in China. The latest cars from Skoda seem to take the next step in the brand’s evolution: a cheaper, more avant-garde ethos than even Audi can manage …

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Updated with Selfie in Madrid – Seat Leon FR – The Case for ‘Fast Fashion’ Cars From Europe to USA… and Back?

First things first: pronouncing this car’s name takes a bit of Latin flair on every syllable. “SayAht Leyyonn” is how it is pronounced. I have to offer this insight first because I read articles and books for years with hilarious internal mis-pronounciations. I gave an oral report on some book, referencing “Colonel Plum” or something. Colonel is said “kernel.”  And that can really change a book, let alone a hot Spanish car. Sidebar: Here is a photo of me doing a mini kitchen load of laundry. I lost half my wardrobe to bad clothespins. Lost forever into the central shaft …

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