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Road Test Review – Rad Power Bikes RadWagon 4 – The Urban Alternative To A Car?

With all the focus on cars here on the site, it’s not too often that we have the chance to check out vehicles with less than two wheels. But when the folks at Rad Power Bikes reached out to us with the chance to check out an example of their extensive lineup of e-bikes, we were more than happy to take the offer. E-bikes are rapidly becoming a trendy segment in the broader bicycle market thanks to their functionality and the extra oomph supplied by the electric motor. But is an e-bike the perfect replacement for a car in certain …

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Insider: What You Need To Know About Electric Bikes

If you own a regular bike, it may be time for you to upgrade to an electric bike. An e-bike has a powered drive system. The battery-powered drive system makes all the difference. You will not get late to work because you will ride faster. You will not get sweaty because the energy you use up while riding it is little if any. Better yet, you will climb hilly terrains and unleveled roads with ease. So, in case you were asking what the best bike to buy is to get yourself an e-bike.   Picking the best electric bike that …

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HD Design Analysis – 2020 Volkswagen GT Ge by Eli Shala – Biplane Aero Theory, Negative Space Define EV Supercar

Imagine your senior year in college.  Did any of your final projects merit global attention, countless strategy meetings and even full-scale models? Your ideas, and how you expressed them, drawing attention from one of the largest and most-influential carmakers in the world? We’d bet not. But then, you are not the design whiz that is Eljesah “Eli” Shala, and you did not create the 2020 VW GT Ge “Ground Effect” design study. The start of a exceptionally promising career for Eli began long ago, but is picking up momentum rapidly in 2016.  All thanks to the extreme sportiness + eco principles …

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